Electric shortfall & green energy

E lectricity shortages are a persistent problem in Pakistan. The country faces a chronic energy shortfall, with a peak demand of 26,000 MW against a supply of only 18,000 MW. The shortfall has resulted in frequent power outages that can last up to 12 hours a day in some areas, severely impacting the country's economy and quality of life for its citizens. This article will examine the potential cost savings of switching to renewable energy sources like wind and solar power. The majority of electricity in Pakistan is produced through thermal power plants that run on fossil fuels like oil and gas. The cost of electricity generation through these plants is high due to the fluctuating cost of fuel, which is affected by global oil prices. Additionally, these plants emit greenhouse gases that contribute to climate change, which has a negative impact on the environment and human health. The high cost of fuel-based electricity generation makes it unaffordable for many households in Pakistan...